Root Canal treatment is a treatment that allows the infected or decayed tooth to be treated without extraction. With root canal treatment, it is ensured that the tooth is purified from decay in a painless way.


What is Root Canal Treatment?

There is the hardest enamel tissue, the slightly softer dentin tissue underneath and the softest pulp tissues. Pulp tissue consists of vessels, nerves and connective tissue and is responsible for the nourishment and development of tooth roots. Pulp has almost no healing ability and when damaged, it must be removed from the tooth. In such cases, removal of the pulp, shaping and filling of the formed cavity is called canal treatment.

In Which Situations Is Root Canal Treatment Required?

In cases where the pulp of the tooth is damaged, root canal treatment should be applied. These;

  • Deep tooth decays,
  • Tooth fracture caused by impact or trauma,
  • Complaints that do not go away after filling and coating processes,
  • Damage to the pulp due to tooth erosion, such as.

How to do Root Canal Treatment?

First, the tooth to be applied root canal treatment is anesthetized with local anesthesia. Then old fillings and restorations are removed and all decayed tissue in the tooth is cleaned. In order to enter the canal treatment in the tooth, the pulp is reached by opening the cavity. The pulp is removed from the canals with special canal tools and the length of the canal to be made is determined using the Apex Locater device. After the size is determined, the canals are shaped with special rotary files and disinfected with special solutions. If the tooth is not infected, the treatment is completed by filling the canal in the same session. In infected, inflamed and abscessed teeth, medication is put into the canals first and then a temporary filling is made. One week later, the drug in the canals is removed and the root canal treatment is completed. If the abscess is common, root canal treatment may take several sessions.

Nowadays, it has become possible to destroy the stubborn bacteria in the channels within a few minutes by using the laser. Studies have also confirmed that laser is more effective on bacteria living in the root canal than drugs. By using laser, treatment time can be shortened and more successful treatments can be applied.

How Many Days Does Root Canal Treatment End?

The treatment process can be completed in a single session, or it may take several sessions. This period varies according to the condition of the tooth. In cases where the tooth is alive, the treatment can be completed in a single session and takes an average of 45 minutes. In teeth with infection and lesions, it can be completed in 2-3 sessions, ie 7-14 days, depending on the size of the infection and lesion. Swelling and severe pain are observed in teeth with very common abscesses. In such cases, canal treatment may take longer and the number of sessions may increase.

How Long Does Root Canal Treatment Take?

The duration of treatment may vary depending on the infection density of the tooth, the rate of splashing to the surrounding teeth and the number of root canals. In cases where the density and depth of caries is not too much, treatment is completed in one session. In case of abscess formation, antibiotic treatment may be required to dry the inflammation first. In such a case, antibiotic treatment is applied for 7 days, and then root canal treatment operation is performed.

Do We Feel Pain During The Root Canal Treatment?

Before starting the treatment, the tooth to be treated is anesthetized with anesthetic solutions and procedures to be selected according to the case. With correctly applied local anesthesia, the patient does not feel any pain, ache or pain during the procedure.

Will There Be Pain After Root Canal Treatment?

A soft pain and sensitivity may be observed during chewing on the tooth that is applied after root canal treatment. This condition is not long-lasting and will go away in a few days. However, if cold or hot foods cause pain in your teeth after root canal treatment or if you feel pain that does not go away for a few weeks, you should consult your doctor.

What is the Lifetime of a Teeth That Had Root Canal Treatment?

Many factors determine the life of the treated tooth. Some of those; The pre-treatment condition of the tooth, the quality of the filling and coating in the treatment, the knowledge, skill and experience of the dentist who performs oral care and treatment. A tooth with well-made canal treatment, together with good care, can serve the patient for a lifetime.

What Should Be Considered After Root Canal Treatment?

  1. If the treatment is not completed in the first session, the relevant tooth should not be used until the treatment is completed.
  2. Even if the treatment is completely over, you should not eat or drink anything for at least 2 hours after the procedure.
  3. When the sensitivity may persist for 2 days, excessively hot or cold drinks should be avoided during this period.
  4. If there is no habit of brushing teeth at regular intervals, using dental floss and antiseptic mouthwash, it should be acquired by the patient.
  5. The dentist should be visited at regular intervals.

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